Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Doing Church as a Team

We're going through this book as a staff. So far it's been great. We started discussing chapter one this week and somehow got onto the topic of the stages of leadership in our Church.

My old friend and fellow Pastor used to use this model...

I do, you watch
I do, you help
You do, I help
You do, someone else watches, and so on...

We kind of modified it for our own personal use...

Potential Leader
Leader of laborers
Leader of leaders

What model (if any) are you using with your staff?


alex mclean said...

I'm not sure if I am sold on the "I do, You..." especially when someone ends it with "You do, I bail".

I think it sounds good, but most of the time it's accelerated and it turns into "dumping" responsibility on people who are not prepared, haven't been developed, or bad fits. Then you feel let down, they feel cheated, get bitter, etc.

It probably works best when you realize that it doesn't work quickly - it takes a lot of time, energy, love, and substance.

Just my thoughts...

alex mclean said...

btw - I want that book when you're done.

eric beeman said...

I totally agree with you Alex... I think the key ingredient is 'time'. No pun intended... ;)

I think some people call it Discipleship... hmmm...

You can have the book when I'm done, but it'll cost you... maybe a Passion Video or two.